You Have Just Discovered a Deeper Life in Christ!
We are so glad you are here. We are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. We’re passionate about God and people and providing them a place to have a life-changing experience through the Word, Worship, and Witness.
Deeper Life is a place where people can connect with Christ and become empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a Christ-like life and be a disciple of Jesus Christ through worship, outreach, discipleship and servant-hood.
Our foundational pillars are:
Word – Grow stronger through Bible teaching and preaching
Worship – Experience God through prayer, praise and daily communion
Witness – Share the message of Jesus Christ to the world
We wholeheartedly believe that if we can touch one life with message of Jesus Christ, that life will in turn touch another. It is this type of connectivity that enables us to build the Kingdom of God for the glory of God.
Stay connected!